Hi everyone! It feels long overdue for a blog post, especially since I haven’t been posting as consistently on Instagram.
I’m doing well! Let’s just get that out of the way, since I think with “life updates” people automatically worry that something is wrong.
Summer is always our busiest season at work, so that is taking up more time than usual some days. Also, Matt and I are planning on moving this summer, so I’ve been organizing our home and thinking a lot about what things are really worth having.
Between the full days, and Instagram burying a lot of creator content, I’ve been spending my time a little differently, both on and offline.
Lately, it’s been discouraging to see years of my hard work on Instagram become…essentially worthless, thanks to Reels. And I’m simply not passionate about creating video. In fact, I don’t like it at all. The stress that making video content causes me is antithetical to the slow and mindful lifestyle I’m trying to create, so I’m reflecting on what is next for me as a creator, because I still love sharing photos of my outfits.
While I’m still on Instagram, I am also going to try (again) to be better at sharing my daily outfits here in short-form posts.
I’ve also gotten really into Pinterest. I love how I can find so much visual inspiration there – like I used to find on Instagram – but I leave feeling much more optimistic than I do with other social media platforms lately. Unfortunately, Pinterest isn’t as conversational as other platforms, but I’m testing out if it might be a good one for me. I’m also active on LTK, of course!
Beyond all that, it’s summer here in New England – the best time of year! We’ve been having a mix of humid and breezier days, and all-in-all, the weather has been good. It’s always welcome to get outside after a long winter.
I usually go to the beach a lot in the summer, but I haven’t even been once yet with everything going on! Need to add that to my growing to-do list.
I’m also reading more, since I’m scrolling less! If you’d like to see what I’m reading, I have a just-for-fun Instagram account for that. I’ve read 19 books so far this year. I’m a bit behind on my goal at the moment, so need to do some catching up.
Drop me a comment and let me know what you’ve been up to! Talk soon.
Just popping in to say I’m so glad to read you’ll be posting here more! I don’t think I’m the only one hoping for a blogging renaissance after all of the changes occurring on Instagram.
Yes! I have loved Instagram for the ease and informality of posting, but now it is just as much work, if not more, than posting here. And there are a lot more benefits to having my own platform!