Image credit: Pexels Well, I don't only wear neutrals, but definitive titles are better for clicks- ha! I mostly wear neutrals (there's an exception to every rule) - but that's not as snappy. Regardless, it's an overall style choice that invokes some ire around the internet about how ethical and …
st. agni
On Turning 28 and Looking to the Stars
It’s my birthday today, and it’s one of those things I increasingly greet with mixed feelings. Not so much because I’m upset about getting older – I actually am glad to be getting older, to be finding my footing and my style, as well as becoming more confident. It’s more about the bittersweetness …
Review: St. Agni Woven Loafers
One of the items I own that I am asked about the most frequently are my St. Agni woven loafers. Every time I feature them on my Instagram, people want to know if they are really worth the cost, how comfortable they are, how they wear and more, since basically every ethical fashion blogger seems to …