I love secondhand shopping. You can find so many items in perfect condition while shopping in a way that honors people and the planet. Not to mention, nothing feels better than a great secondhand score! I've mentioned it before, but there was a time in the not-so-distant past when I wouldn't have …
shop secondhand first
How to have an ethical wardrobe on a tight budget
Ethical fashion is expensive. I've mostly gotten over my sticker shock these days, but when I first started building a more thoughtful wardrobe, my shopping journey pretty much went like this: Click. That's a nice sweater. Click. In stock, awesome! Scroll. $350?! Nevermind. X. (I pretty much only …
Outfit roundup 2.27.2018
What I've been wearing lately... Embracing a simpler wardrobe has really done wonders for me. I don't spend my mornings fussing over picking out statement necklaces, and I feel like I have so much room in my brain for other things! Which is a big deal for me. I do still have a lot of pieces in my …